I suppose I could have suggested a unified country with a strong liberal democracy with universal suffrage, freedom of speech, association, and belief, a country that has fought for freedom and not just our own, that was at the forefront of suffrage for women, that has given the world two world-class sopranos, as well as writers, artists, philosophers, sportspeople, actors, and scientists in numbers well above statistical probability and much more, but it seemed like too much work – in itself something of an quintessentially Australian attitude. Which is not to suggest there are not many and urgent issues we need to deal with as a country, but other writers have gone into detail about that. As I said on my own Facebook status, my country right or wrong; when right to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Mind you when I was given the chance to vote for an Australian head of state, I voted ‘yes’. Which seems contradictory, but if the question is put to me, I have to answer. And if we do go for a Republic, I would like to see a system where the President is appointed by a majority of 2/3 of the combined Houses of Parliament. There are those who argue that having the people vote directly for the President will take the politics out of it. How a popular vote removes politics is a mystery to me. On what basis are to make our vote? Hairstyle? Gymnastic ability? Poetry readings? No, the President will be a figurehead, and so should be appointed by the Parliament of the Day, the 2/3 majority avoiding the spectre of the party hack appointment.
The flag: again, I don’t sense a real need for change. In the latest debate one of the most interesting voices belonged to a number of immigrants, who said the flag was the symbol of their dream to come to Australia (this country with nothing to celebrate) and to change it would be to destroy that which sustained that dream for so long. And what would we change it to? No design is going to please everybody and no design except the current one has such history attached to it. However, one day, and not too far in the future, I think the Union Flag will disappear from the corner. In symbolic terms, the blue field still represents the British heritage of much of the population, our language and institutions, so that will not be lost. Maybe the Aboriginal flag could go there instead? Or perhaps we replace the whole thing with the Eureka Flag instead, which belongs to all of us, not just the Union movement.
As to changing Australia Day from 26 January, I’m not sure what day we can choose where the Aboriginals were not dispossessed during European colonisation. It seems to me that changing the day to another could lead to a forgetting – surely no-one wants that. However, the argument for change is not unreasonable, and could lead to some people finally shutting up. The most positive date I can think of is perhaps the day of the 1967 Referendum, so 27 May might be the go. Not that the referendum was the end of the story. There is still a long road ahead of us.

A new friend of mine, daughter of a Greek father and Aborginal mother (she calls herself a Wogerigine) spent Australia Day at a festival called ‘Share the Spirit', celebrating Survival Day. This is a much better term: it focuses on what the Aboriginals have done and are doing and is a true celebration of their culture that we are all invited to join. Australia is heading in the right direction. We can all celebrate that.
You swear a lot less than I do. In blog world anyway...it should be widely-known that the author of this blog is a potty mouth. Whooo! Whoo! Nxx